Bali Itinerary 2022

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Bali Itinerary 2022


Your full guide to Bali, Indonesia by Kreshonna Keane.

I recently traveled to Bali and before going, I had to do a ton of research. I was so nervous about all of these constantly changing covid regulations. Going all the way to the other side of the world can really be nerve-wracking when you don’t know what to expect. After tons of research and my own experiences, I decided to make your travel experience easier by sharing everything I learned along the way during my journey to Bali; a place I hope to one day call home. This is a VERY detailed itinerary. There are over 30 slides of information and I tried my best to answer any possible questions travelers might have.

The itinerary includes best places to stay in Bali, transportation, covid regulations as of (July 2022), things to do & more! Over 30 slides of information, including an example of my own personal itinerary breakdown (by day). I hope you enjoy Bali as much as I did!

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